Shared Resource Cache for Cats Effect
Micro-library that provides a way to memoize Resource[F, A]
so they would be shared between accesses.
The resource is allocated once when the first consumer uses it and is deallocated when the last consumer stops using it.
The main use-case for developing this was sharing resources like database connections between test suites.
For example:
import cats.effect.*
import cats.effect.resource_shared_memoized.*
import cats.effect.syntax.all.*
// A fake database connection
class DatabaseConnection extends AutoCloseable {
override def close() = {}
object MySuite {
val database = ResourceSharedMemoized.memoize(
Resource.fromAutoCloseable(IO(new DatabaseConnection))
class MyTests extends munit.CatsEffectSuite {
val dbFixture = ResourceFunFixture(MySuite.database)
dbFixture.test("test 1") { db =>
// The `db` object here is shared with...
val _ = db // pretend that we use db
dbFixture.test("test 2") { db =>
// The `db` object here.
val _ = db // pretend that we use db
This allows you to run one test case, a suite of tests, or all tests and not have to worry about acquiring or releasing the database connection.
Can't we just use .memoize
Unfortunately no. memoize
returns Resource[F, Resource[F, A]]
, and we need Resource[F, A]
. If we use
on the outer resource then we need to perform the cleanup ourselves, which ResourceSharedMemoized
handles for you.
Take a look at this example:
case class State(acquires: Int, releases: Int, users: Int) {
def acquire = copy(acquires = acquires + 1, users = users + 1)
def release = copy(releases = releases + 1, users = users - 1)
override def toString: String = s"[acquires=$acquires, releases=$releases, users=$users]"
val (memoizedResource, memoizedResourceState) = (for {
state <- Ref[IO].of(State(0, 0, 0))
resource = Resource.make(state.modify { s =>
val newState = s.acquire
(newState, newState)
})(_ => state.update(_.release))
resource <-
} yield (resource, state)).unsafeRunSync()
// memoizedResource: Resource[IO, State] = Eval(
// fa = FlatMap(
// ioe = Delay(
// thunk = cats.effect.kernel.SyncRef$$Lambda$11998/0x0000000103308040@6e43352e,
// event = cats.effect.tracing.TracingEvent$StackTrace
// ),
// f = cats.effect.kernel.GenConcurrent$$Lambda$11999/0x0000000103308840@2a387979,
// event = cats.effect.tracing.TracingEvent$StackTrace
// )
// )
// memoizedResourceState: Ref[IO, State] = cats.effect.kernel.SyncRef@7e8f3e28
memoizedResource.use { value => => s"\nstate: $state\nvalue: $value")
// res0: String = """
// state: [acquires=1, releases=0, users=1]
// value: [acquires=1, releases=0, users=1]"""
// The resource is NOT deallocated when the last consumer stops using it.
// res1: State = State(acquires = 1, releases = 0, users = 1)
memoizedResource.use { value1 =>
memoizedResourceState.get.flatMap { state1 =>
memoizedResource.use { value2 => { state2 =>
// All values should be the same
s"\nstate1: $state1\nvalue1: $value1\nstate2: $state2\nvalue2: $value2"
// res2: String = """
// state1: [acquires=1, releases=0, users=1]
// value1: [acquires=1, releases=0, users=1]
// state2: [acquires=1, releases=0, users=1]
// value2: [acquires=1, releases=0, users=1]"""
// The resource is NOT deallocated when the last consumer stops using it.
// res3: State = State(acquires = 1, releases = 0, users = 1)
We want to use the Resource[F, A]
transparently, without caring about managing lifetimes for it.
There is a single function ResourceSharedMemoized.memoize
that takes a Resource[F, A]
and returns Resource[F, A]
An .memoizeShared
extension method is also provided for Resource[F, A]
in the
implicit class.
The example below demonstrates on how the library works:
import cats.effect.resource_shared_memoized.*
val (cachedResource, state) = (for {
state <- Ref[IO].of(State(0, 0, 0))
resource = Resource.make(state.modify { s =>
val newState = s.acquire
(newState, newState)
})(_ => state.update(_.release))
resource <- resource.memoizeShared
} yield (resource, state)).unsafeRunSync()
// cachedResource: Resource[[A]IO[A], State] = Allocate(
// resource = cats.effect.kernel.Resource$$$Lambda$11991/0x0000000103303040@11b6efbe
// )
// state: Ref[IO, State] = cats.effect.kernel.SyncRef@715f24c4
cachedResource.use { value => => s"\nstate: $state\nvalue: $value")
// res4: String = """
// state: [acquires=1, releases=0, users=1]
// value: [acquires=1, releases=0, users=1]"""
// The resource is deallocated when the last consumer stops using it.
// res5: State = State(acquires = 1, releases = 1, users = 0)
cachedResource.use { value1 =>
state.get.flatMap { state1 =>
cachedResource.use { value2 => { state2 =>
// All values should be the same
s"\nstate1: $state1\nvalue1: $value1\nstate2: $state2\nvalue2: $value2"
// res6: String = """
// state1: [acquires=2, releases=1, users=1]
// value1: [acquires=2, releases=1, users=1]
// state2: [acquires=2, releases=1, users=1]
// value2: [acquires=2, releases=1, users=1]"""
// The resource is deallocated when the last consumer stops using it.
// res7: State = State(acquires = 2, releases = 2, users = 0)
Add the following to your build.sbt
libraryDependencies +=
"io.github.arturaz" %% "cats-effect-resource-shared-memoized" % "0.1.1"
if you are using mill:
override def ivyDeps = Agg(
The code from main
branch can be obtained with:
resolvers ++= Resolver.sonatypeOssRepos("snapshots")
libraryDependencies +=
"io.github.arturaz" %% "cats-effect-resource-shared-memoized" % "0.1.1-1-59c5fd9-SNAPSHOT"
For mill:
override def repositoriesTask = T.task {
super.repositoriesTask() ++ Seq(
override def ivyDeps = Agg(
Artūras Šlajus (